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- Winters, Ember-Raine
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Ember-Raine Winters
Exposed Sin City Gym 1
Copyright © 2018 Ember-Raine Winters
Cover Design: Ember-Raine Winters
Photo: depositphotos
Editor: Randie Creamer
Formatter: Ember-Raine Winters
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author/Publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Table of Contents
I have the best family in the world! They put up with my crap and are super supportive. Especially, my mom and sister. They are the best!
My DAT girls, you know who you are. Thank you so much for always being there for me during this crazy journey. I will always love you! (Even when you send me questionable pictures of Justin Beiber.)
All of the amazing Indie Authors and bloggers I have met over the last year! I freaking FLOVE you! You have made the last year one of the best and I can’t wait for the next!
Last, but not least my editor, Randie Creamer. [email protected] I couldn’t do this without you! Thank you so much!
To Sam. You’re the best PA a girl could ask for.
Coach called us all into the gym for a meeting. I wasn’t sure what it was about but judging the look on his face, it wasn’t going to be good. He looked at each one of us in the eye shaking his head. “I’ve let you guys down. I never thought these bastards would hold a grudge and take it out on the gym.”
“What are you saying, coach?” My buddy Pete asked from beside me.
“The UMA has banned the gym from competing.” He sighed. I don’t think I’d ever seen the man look so tired and defeated.
“So they’re punishing us for... what?”
“According to them, the fight between Randy Bryant and Mad Max was unsanctioned and because of the gym’s involvement with AMMA we’ve been banned. It’s technically the gym and not the fighters themselves, so if you want to leave and find new coaches I’ll understand. Randy left me in charge of AMMA and I think we can make it something special—a place not about the money in the sport but about the fight itself. Only the best.”
The guys all murmured around me. Ben studied at Darren before he stood up from his chair. “I’m sorry coach, but I need to fight in the UMA. No start-up circuit is gonna pay my bills for me.”
“Like I said, I understand.” He reached out a hand and Ben shook it before taking off. “The rest of you take a few days and think about it.” He looked us over as the door clicked close, Coach’s shoulders visibly tensing. “Excuse me, Coach, I don’t need a few days,” I shouted over the crowd. “I know exactly where I want to train.”
“Thanks, Kyle, I appreciate your loyalty.”
“Me too, Coach.” Pete stood next to me, and just past him on the other side, the ever-silent Joe nodded in agreement as well. Joe was the quiet, brooding type. He didn’t talk unless he had something to say, which was a nice change from other people who did everything they could to fill the silence. My phone buzzed in my pocket, when I grabbed it my manager/publicist’s name was flashing across the screen. Ricky Maddox was the top in the industry and always had his finger on the pulse of what was happening in the MMA world. Taking a few steps away, I answered the phone.
“I found a new gym for you kid.” He sounded as if he just gave me great news.
I should have known that was what he was calling about. “I’m not leaving Sin City, Rick.”
“Sin City is dead in the water, kid. You can’t stay there or your career will be over before it ever started.”
“I’m not leaving just because the UMA is trying to punish the gym for doing the right thing.”
“I don’t represent washed-up fighters. You have talent kid. Don’t go wasting it on principle.”
I wanted to pull the phone away from my ear and give him the finger, but considering he wouldn’t see it, and everyone left in the gym could hear my side of the conversation, I decided against it. “Well, I guess if being loyal to the guy who made me the best fighter I can be makes me washed up, then I’m no longer your client.” I hung up the phone and turned to see Darren staring at me with a cocked eyebrow.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Kyle. I don’t know what he said, but he’s your manager. I appreciate the loyalty, but not if it’s going to ruin your career.”
“It’s fine. He’s a dick anyway.” I tried to smile but it was forced. This whole thing had me worried about what it meant for my future—I just wanted to fight and I was damn good at it.
“If you’re sure, I may know of someone who can help. She used to be strictly publicity but recently started managing too. The woman’s a genius.” He scrubbed a hand over his face; it was easy to see the weariness. This entire thing was unfair; none of us should lose everything we’ve worked for because Darren was standing up for what he believed in. What kind of asshole would I be if I turned my back on him when I didn’t believe he did anything wrong?
I went to work on the bag for a while, my fear and frustration at the entire incident driving me harder. Pete looked like he was having trouble holding the bag while I pounded again and again. “Look, dude, none of us like this any more than you do but ever since Bryant left, you’re the best we got. Probably the best in the sport now that Max and Bryant are both retired. We need you, bro. Don’t let them scare you away.”
“No one is scaring me off. I’m just pissed that this situation is even happening. I have to find a new manager and start back from the beginning just because some billionaires got pissed that they didn’t make any money off the fight of the century. It’s petty and ridiculous. If they had allowed Randy to fight in the first place none of this would be happening right now.” I punched the bag a few more times roaring out my frustrations.
“Kyle.” Coach called me from his office. I was breathing heavily from my tantrum as I moved across the gym to his office.
“What’s up, Coach?
” I said shutting the door behind me.
“I have Delia’s number for you. I called in a favor and she’s agreed to meet with you. She’s a ball buster but she’s the best, so don’t mess this up.”
“I won’t, Coach, thanks.” Grabbing the card from his hand, I flipped it over a few times nervously.
“It’s gonna be okay, man. I have big plans for this place. They know I train the best fighters in the world here. We’ll get through this.” He attempted reassurance but his eyes didn’t share in the sentiment. Darren was scared not only for his business but the fighters who stood by him. If things didn’t go right, we would all be looking for new careers.
Finding clients hadn’t been a hardship since Randy Bryant, the biggest client I had, retired and was now playing movie star in Hollywood. It got to the point I had to start screening possible clients even more thoroughly than I had before, so when Kyle Walker contacted me I was surprised—he already had great representation. Ricky Maddox was an absolute powerhouse agent in the world of sports. He was also a huge douche, but I guess you had to be like that to some degree in order to get ahead in this business.
“Why did you and Ricky part ways?” I asked trying not to eye him, which was close to impossible with his gorgeous reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. They were hypnotic and I had to actively remind myself not to stare too long.
“Rick the dick?” He chuckled, the sound had me warming in places that hadn’t been touched in far too long. Then he smirked like he knew exactly what I was thinking. I could kill Darren for making my secret obvious—my emotions tended to play all across my face. “He and I have differing opinions on the ban.”
“Yes, I’m aware of the side effects it’s been having on Darren, since Randy and Max are now retired.” I shook my head hoping he’d understand that I was entirely against the dumb fucks who’d do something as awful as blacklisting Darren. In this day to hold someone’s sexual preference against them was outrageous, and for the life of me, I couldn’t begin to understand it.
“Yeah, well Rick tried to get me to leave and I refused. We’re gonna work on making AMMA the best in the world.” His grin was contagious and impossible for me to not smile back.
“Well, with talent like yours, I don’t see how they won’t be.” The flirty comment left my lips without even a thought. His grin morphed into an arrogant smirk.
“Why thank you, Delia,” he said eyeing me up and down. I flushed bright red, the heat wafting off my neck had me perspiring. Not the best way to come across as professional.
“Uh... you’re welcome?” It came out as a question. “Here’s the contract… it’s pretty standard.” I grabbed the envelope with the paperwork.
“Whoa! That’s it?” He looked up from the document. “That fucker was either scamming me or you don’t charge enough.” He made a big show of looking for a pen like he couldn’t sign it fast enough before gifting me another devilish smile. “Does this contract include having dinner with me?”
“Wh-what?” I didn’t date my clients. It was not only unethical but could end up messy when we broke up—and with my track record, it would most definitely blow up in my face. “Um, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
“I think it’s the best idea I have ever had.”
Cocky asshole. I rolled my eyes.
“Kyle, seriously. You’re a client. I don’t date clients. So sign or don’t, but you won’t get a manager as good as I am at that price in Las Vegas.” I raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at him. He grumbled as he clicked the pen and scrawled his name in a tight scratchy handwriting. “Now, we need to work on getting you a fight and getting some hype for AMMA. I’ll talk to Darren about holding a press conference announcing the continuation of the organization.” Standing up, I reached out to shake his hand, then noticed how huge they were. His firm grip and warm skin shot a tingle through my arm and my breath caught as he slowly pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.
“I’ll see ya soon, beautiful.” His brownish-green eyes filled with lust as they raked over me one more time. “I’ll wear you down.”
“Good-bye, Kyle.” I attempted to pull my hand away but it felt like another minute before he released it. That whole encounter had me breathless. What the hell was I going to do? By the way his eyes raked over me with lust, that man was going to have me in a constant state of need when I was around him. It was a bad idea signing him, but too late now. The deed was done. Lord help me.
I was a mess the rest of the day and couldn’t get my mind off his hard body and strong arms. I habitually watched the fights, especially those of my clients, so I knew exactly what he looked like under that button-down blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows.
As I walked into my apartment, I noticed my cat, Missy, didn’t even get up to greet me. She was curled up on the couch and barely cracked an eye open to see who’d woken her from her slumber, then she quickly went back to sleep. Missy and I had a mutual dislike of each other. My ex had given her to me as a parting gift—asshole. I had no idea why I kept her, but after a while she just became a fixture. The only thing that gave me any kind of solace was the fact that she didn’t seem to like anyone else either.
As I was in the kitchen opening the organic cat food—I swear the cat ate better then me sometimes—my door flew open. “Tell me you have wine.” My neighbor and best friend, Brandy, stormed into my apartment. “If one more of these sex addicts comes on to me during a session, I may just knee him in the nuts.”
“Again?” I asked completely dumbfounded, which honestly I shouldn’t be considering this was not new information, yet it still always surprised me. “Don’t they realize that is the exact reason they’re seeing you in the first place?”
“You would think.” She groaned. I grabbed Missy’s bowl and dumped the contents of her cat food into it. She must have woken up because I felt a tiny cat head ram into my shin.
“Ow, dammit, Missy,” I yelled putting her bowl on the floor and rubbing my leg.
“I never understood why you kept her. That cat is just plain evil.” The devil cat in question looked at Brandy hissing at her. “See?”
“I know better than anyone how evil that cat is, but I just can’t get rid of her.”
“The cat tears up your stuff and eats better than some humans I know. Have you ever tried getting her more generic cat food?”
“I have, the little bitch turns up her nose at it, and then I wake up the next morning with claw marks in my Jimmy Choos. It’s not worth saving a couple bucks when she’ll just ruin a thousand-dollar pair of heels.” Brandy’s eyes grew wide as I mentioned the shoes.
“That cat would have been out on her ass if she’d done that to me.” She looked at me like I was nuts before screaming, “Ow dammit, she just clawed me. That fucking cat is a menace.”
The cat seemed satisfied with herself as she strutted back to her spot on the couch. I shook my head uncorking a bottle of wine and pouring my neighbor a huge glass.
Honestly, there wasn’t any blood so I figured Brandy was fine. “Guess who came into my office today.”
“Who?” Her eyes lit up. I secretly wondered if the only reason she was my friend was because of my job; she loved athletes and was always asking about my clients.
“Kyle Walker.” Her reaction was instant; her eyes widened and she fanned herself theatrically.
“Oh lord, that boy is H-O-T hawt.” I took a sip of my wine nodding my head in total agreement. He was hot, like incredibly f’ing hot. Auburn hair, hazel eyes, a body to die for. Yup. And I could date him if I wanted to.
“And....” I trailed off blushing like crazy at the memory of what he’d said and done.
“And? What? Oh my God. He hit on you didn’t he?”
“Yes, but he’s a client now. I can’t date a client... again.” I looked over at the demon cat remembering briefly who gave her to me. Brando
n Sullivan the quarterback for the Las Vegas Gamblers. It wasn’t the cleverest name for a professional football team, but they lived up to their name gambling on plays other coaches would be terrified to pull off. Most of the time the gamble worked out for them, although they had yet to win a championship. We dated for six months and Missy had been a birthday breakup present, and I kept her to remind me what was at stake if I ever went down that road again. “I don’t think he’s planning on giving up, so yeah, I’m screwed.”
“Literally and figuratively.” She giggled. I grabbed a napkin, balled it up, and threw it at her head.
“That is so not helping. Besides, he’s probably a cheater just like the rest of them.” I shrugged. Brandy knew how much I hated cheating. It was a complete deal breaker for me.
“Damn, Darren. I thought Delia was like a fifty-year-old lady. How the fuck am I supposed to work with her when all I want to do is slam her against a wall and fuck her until she’s screaming for more,” I said later that day as I was hitting the bag.
“Jesus, Kyle, I don’t need that image in my head,” he reprimanded me.
“Sorry.” I sometimes forgot Darren wasn’t like the rest of the guys. He was gay and didn’t appreciate some of the words that spewed from my mouth, typically unchecked.
“I sent you to her because she’s the best and a sympathizer. We need all the help we can get right now,” he said sternly. I didn’t need him to say it. It was written all over his face; don’t fuck this up. I realized then what a bad idea Delia and I could be. It pissed me off so I started hitting the bag harder. Why had I signed that contract? There were a million managers out there. I could have picked any one of them, but like Darren said she was the best. Her last fighter was Randy Bryant. He’d been the UMA heavyweight champion of the world until someone outed him, and those bastards banned him from ever fighting for the UMA again.
“I won’t screw it up. I know what I’m doing.”
“You’re our top dog, Kyle. We don’t need any more complications than we already have.” He cocked an eyebrow at me. I was done with this conversation. We desperately needed a subject change.