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Exposed Page 7

“Yes,” I whispered softly. “It’s a bad idea to pursue anything with a client.”

  “Bullshit. I don’t believe you. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want me.” He stepped around my desk to stand in front of me. I closed my eyes tight trying to block him out. If I couldn’t see him, then he couldn’t see me, right? Great now I was resorting to three-year-old logic. I felt his lips press softly against mine. A tiny moan escaped me.

  “That’s what I thought,” he whispered against my lips. “I’m not giving up, beautiful. Especially after the best night of my life.” He pressed a kiss against my forehead in the sweetest gesture and left the room.

  Sitting back in my chair, I finally breathed again. I was so totally and completely fucked.


  I knew she was lying. She felt the magnetic pull just as much as I did. Walking to the elevator, something caught my eye. Delia’s boss smiled at me. “Kyle, it’s nice to see you. I was going to call you after my meeting.”

  “Well, I’m here now. Why don’t I save you some time?” I said with false cheerfulness. He nodded and led me to his big corner office.

  “Delia is no longer going to be working here,” he stated after shutting the door behind him.

  “With all due respect, my contract is with her. I’ll be following her wherever she ends up.”

  “You’d be willing to go without representation for a year?” he asked with a cockiness he shouldn’t have. “There is a non-compete clause that keeps her from working in any capacity as competition for the period of one year.”

  “What do you mean? You would fire her and then leave her without employment for a year? Over one kiss?” My voice rose the angrier I got.

  “It wasn’t just the kiss, it was the scandal with Brandon Sullivan causing him to seek representation elsewhere, losing money for the firm in the process.”

  “So that’s what this is really about for you.” I growled. “She lost a client and you think it will happen again.” I shook my head completely disgusted with the man in front of me. “If you fire her, you most definitely will lose another client. I can assure you of that.”

  “She has broken her contract twice now. I let it slide the first time, I will not be letting it slide this time.” He glared at me.

  “Well then, I’m terminating my contract,” I said storming from the room running right into Delia. I barely caught her before she crashed into the ground. “Jesus Delia, I’m sorry. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, what are you doing here?” She looked suspicious.

  “I ran into your boss on my way out. He wanted to speak with me.” I sighed in frustration. “He wanted to assign me to a different manager. I told him to fuck off.”

  “Shit, I had a feeling this would be it.” She shook her head sadly.

  “Jesus, Delia, I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.” I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

  “I knew the rules.” She hung her head helplessly before walking toward the door I just exited. “Good-bye, Kyle.”

  The words sounded so final and I hated it. This wasn’t going to be good-bye. I would make sure of it. She walked in the office closing the door behind her.

  Dialing my phone, I waited for Darren to pick up. “We have a big fucking problem. You know anyone who can find a way around a non-compete clause?”

  “What the fuck happened?” His voice rang out angrily.

  “Delia is in her boss’ office as we speak getting fired.” The unintelligible sounds coming from Darren had me cringing. He was spewing obscenities at me. I stayed on the phone with him, listening until he calmed down. I deserved everything he said. I also had a feeling he was going to be riding my ass at practice—more than usual. I was a little scared but would take every bit of punishment he dished out. “You about done? Can you help me? I feel like shit.”

  “You should feel like shit. I’m gonna call Randy. His lawyers might know what can be done.” He hung up without another word.

  “Shit, what am I gonna do?”

  I decided to go to her office and wait for her to finish her meeting. I wanted to be there for moral support. I refused to accept the finality of her good-bye earlier. This was not good-bye. I refused to let it end like that. Her door was pushed open and a security guard stepped in ahead of Delia. She looked pissed. I was pissed on her behalf. “They’re having you escorted out by security?” I growled.

  “Yes,” she grumbled. Her head was down and I knew how embarrassing this whole thing must have been for her. It made me feel even guiltier.

  “C’mon beautiful, let’s get your stuff and get the hell out of this place.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me for a quick hug before helping her get her things. The security guard watched us closely. Probably making sure she didn’t take anything related to the company.

  “Ma’am I need to see your cell phone.” The security guard looked uncomfortable.

  “It’s not a company phone.” She shook her head glaring at the man. “You have no right to see it.”

  “You have clients’ numbers in it right?” he asked eyeing her shrewdly.

  “That’s none of your business,” I countered. “Her phone is her personal property.” I grabbed the box in one hand and wrapped my other arm around Delia as we walked out of the building.

  “Thank you,” she said weakly.

  “It’s okay, gorgeous. I’m gonna fix this.” Kissing the top of her head, I squeezed her tighter to me as we made it to her car. “I’ll drive you home. You aren’t in any condition to drive.” She didn’t even argue as I unwrapped my arm from around her and took her keys. I opened her door for her before shoving her box in the backseat. I would do whatever it took to get that sadness out of her eyes.

  “There’s a non-compete clause,” she said in a shocked whisper. “This has been my dream for so long and now it’s gone.” That felt like a knife straight to my heart. This was my fault. Everything was about to fall apart because I had to show off in front of some posturing asshole. Randy had to know how to fix this.

  “Delia, do you have a copy of your employment contract?” I asked as I started the car.

  “What?” she asked in confusion. It seemed to snap her out of her daze.

  “Your employment contract. Do you have a copy? I have someone looking into a way we can get around the clause.”

  “How did you know about that?” She looked almost angry.

  “Your dickhole ex-boss told me as an enticement to continue doing business with the company. I shot him down.” I grinned.

  “So what are you going to do?” she asked nervously.

  “I’m going to figure a way out of that contract. AMMA needs you. Sin City Gym needs you… I need you.” The last part was nearly a whisper.

  We pulled up to her apartment building and she directed me to her spot. Hopping out of the car, I ran around to open her door and grabbed the box from the backseat. She led me to her apartment unlocking the door and ushering me inside. Her apartment was great. It had a homey, cozy feel to it much like the way I’d had my house decorated. Setting the box on the table, I walked over to the spot on the couch where her cat had been sleeping moments before but was now looking at me with watchful eyes. “I wouldn’t….” Delia trailed off as I reached up and scratched her behind the ears. “Did she just… purr?” Delia asked in a shocked voice.

  Delia took a step toward me and the cat’s head swiveled in her direction. I chuckled when Delia stopped dead in her tracks. “You’re scared?”

  “You haven’t seen the things that devil-cat has done to me.” She shuddered. “Or my favorite Jimmy Choo’s.”

  “C’mon, it can’t be that bad. She’s harmless. Aren’t you, Missy?” I picked her up and the cat snuggled into me. It was sweet.

  “I can’t believe it. Brandy is gonna shit a brick when she hears about this.” Delia was shaking her head.

  “What can I say, your pussy likes me.” Her eyes flared with heat an
d her cheeks turned pink. I put Missy down; she meowed at me briefly but sauntered back over to her spot on the couch. I took a step toward Delia. My hands automatically went to her hips pulling her closer to me. My lips lightly grazed hers. Her breath caught.

  “Kyle.” Her breathy whisper had me hardening in my jeans.

  “What do you want, gorgeous?” I asked softly running my nose up the side of her neck. She shuddered in my arms. She was struggling with herself. Her hands clutched the fabric of my shirt pulling me closer, but I could see the indecision in her eyes when I looked up at her in question. She was still holding onto something she shouldn’t be. Maybe it was too soon. What the hell was I thinking? Of course it was too soon. She hadn’t even processed the loss of her job, and I was pouncing on her. Way to go idiot. Taking a step back, I looked at her sheepishly. “Sorry, beautiful, I have a hard time controlling myself when I’m around you.” Her brows scrunched down in confusion before she threw herself at me.

  “I want you.” She said between kisses. “I’m tired of fighting it.” The truth of her words was written all over her face. I shot her a seductive smirk before picking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. My hands were on her ass kneading her cheeks with my palms.

  I stood there with her in my arms kissing her like my life depended on it. She wasn’t in the right frame of mind for what was running through my head at the moment, so I sat down on her chair across from the cat who was looking at us with pure evil in its eyes, which had me pausing. Maybe the dang cat really did hate her. I chuckled between kisses.

  “Gorgeous, I am beyond glad that you want to see where this goes, but not now. You need to process and I need a copy of your contract to send to Randy so we can figure out what to do about this non-compete clause.” She stopped, then looked at me dubiously.

  “You called Randy?” she asked with a watery smile.

  “Well, I called Darren. He’s calling Randy but I figure we should probably get him a copy of your contract so he can show it to his lawyers. Do you have it?”

  “Yeah, it’s in my office. I keep a copy of everything in there,” she said with a bit of awe in her voice, then got off my lap and headed to the back of the apartment. As soon as she moved, Missy was jumping in my lap. I chuckled at her possessiveness. “Missy, maybe you should give Delia a break, she’s doing the best she can.” I scratched her behind the ears. I swear the cat rolled her eyes before jumping off my lap like the very idea offended her to the core. My phone rang and I noticed Darren’s number on the caller ID. “What do you have for me?”

  “Do you have a copy of the contract?” he asked.

  “Delia is getting it now. Where do I need to send it?”

  “Randy sent me his lawyer’s email and fax number. He said to send it whichever way is easiest. We’ll fix this, kid.”

  “How can they uphold a non-compete clause when she was fired? I thought they only worked if she resigned,” I asked, it still didn’t make any sense to me.

  “Because it was a forced resignation,” she said coming back in the room her head was down and I was glad I couldn’t see the hurt there.

  “What do you mean it was a forced resignation?” I growled.

  “He said that if I didn’t resign he would make sure that I was blacklisted in sports management.” She sighed looking up at me with the heartache that killed me.

  “That bastard,” I whispered. Darren heard me and started peppering me with questions. I told him what she told me and he hung up abruptly, probably calling Randy back. “It’s okay, beautiful. We’ll figure something out.” I opened my arms and she didn’t hesitate before dropping into my lap. Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I rocked her gently kissing the top of her head. I’d never felt so helpless, but I’d be damned if I’d stay that way.


  I awoke later in my bed. It was dark outside and I had a well muscled forearm wrapped tightly around me. The buzzing in my ears had obviously been what caused me to wake up. I grabbed it from its spot on the nightstand and walked into the bathroom so I didn’t wake Kyle. “Hello?”

  “Delia, finally.” Randy sighed into the phone.

  “What’s going on?” I wasn’t sure how much more bad news I could take in one day.

  “Nothing major. My lawyers took a look at your contract, and I would like to talk to you about it. Cliff and I are coming in on Friday with Aaron so we can have a weekend with Cassie. I’d like to block some time off to talk about the options we have to get around the contract from your former employer.”

  I blew out a relieved breath. I’d been so worried that he had more bad news. There was so much at stake, not just AMMA but Kyle’s little sister’s animal shelter as well.

  “In case you hadn’t heard, I have nothing but time these days.” I chuckled—it was a self depreciating laugh.

  “Look, I’m sure we can work something out. Just come to the house this weekend and we will make sure you have a place. You have amazing ideas, and I will do what I can to help you through this, okay?”

  “Thank you.” I blew out a breath as two strong arms came around me from behind. “I don’t know what I would do with out you, Randy. I’ll see you this weekend.”

  “See you this weekend. Keep your head up,” he said before hanging up. Kyle’s lips pressed kisses up and down my neck as I leaned back into him.

  “Randy’s going to be here this weekend?” he asked as he continued kissing up my neck.

  “Yes,” I said on a breathy moan. His hands were roaming my body and I squirmed. “His lawyers found something. Thank you.”

  “I can think of a better way to say thank you.” I could feel his grin against my neck.

  “Oh yeah? And what might that be?” I asked coyly.

  “It involves you being naked….” He trailed off.

  “Just me? What about you?” I shot him a seductive smile.

  “Oh no, we will both be very, very naked.” He punctuated each word with a kiss to my neck as his hands came up to caress my breasts, pinching the nipples. My head fell back to his shoulder and his lips captured the moan that was about to escape my lips. One of his hands slid from my breast and down my stomach before his hand was firmly in my panties.

  “Oh God, you’re so fucking wet for me, gorgeous.” He groaned.

  “Mmmm,” I hummed as his finger swirled around my clit.

  “I wanna fuck you up against the wall. Savagely. Would you like that, gorgeous?” He purred in my ear.

  “Oh God, yesssss.” My response was breathy. There was nothing hotter than a guy who could literally pick me up and fuck me against the wall without breaking a sweat. Kyle had proved on more than one occasion that he could do that and so much more. I grabbed him through his jeans squeezing his huge length.

  “Mm, I think you’re wearing too many clothes.” I started at the button of his jeans but he stopped my progress with a devious smile.

  “No, I want you to strip for me.” My eyes widened but he chuckled seductively. “Take your clothes off for me, Delia. Slowly and seductively.” He grabbed my hand and put it on his rock hard cock. “Strip for me. I love looking at your perfect body.”

  He pulled his cock out stroking it slowly as I started pulling one piece of clothing off after another in what I hoped was seductive and sexy. I’d never been asked to strip before, but if I were to judge my performance by the way the heat flared in his eyes and the increasing intensity of his strokes, I would say I was doing pretty well.

  When I had taken off my last strip of clothing, I didn’t wait for his command. I dropped to my knees in front of him, looking up at him in a silent question. His eyes burned with lust as my tongue slowly came out and licked the salty bit of precum off the head of his dick. Kyle’s eyes rolled back in his head as my mouth continued lower. My tongue swirled, cheeks hollowed out, but it wasn’t until one hand came up to massage his balls that he went wild and untamed. His hands fisted in my hair pulling it roughly as he thr
ust in my mouth hard and fast. When his balls started to tighten, I thought it would be over in a matter of minutes, but he pushed my head away tilting his head back breathing deeply most likely trying to gather some composure. “Lay on the bed,” he commanded. Scrambling off my knees, I did as I was told, laying on the bed on my back with my knees together. Kyle shook his head as he stalked to the bed. “Open those fantastic legs, beautiful. I wanna see that pretty pussy of yours.”

  Instinctively I did as he said, letting my knees fall to the sides. The look of lust that painted his features had me panting as he stalked closer. “This pussy is so fucking gorgeous,” he said as he knelt on the bed between my legs. He almost seemed like a different person as he feasted on me with his eyes, not touching me until I was ready to combust. My hands started caressing my skin, plucking my nipples, then moving lower. He watched with rapt fascination as my hand moved low over my pussy and began swirling around my clit. A guttural sound left his throat.

  “Mine. Your orgasms are mine and mine alone,” he said as he pushed my hands away before thrusting his tongue inside me with a savage motion. I never knew that being fucked by someone’s tongue could feel quite like that. The dominance that Kyle was showing was both welcome and unexpected. I squirmed and writhed as his tongue continued to push in and out of me, but it wasn’t enough. I needed him, all of him.

  “Kyle,” I screamed. “Fuck me, please,” I begged. All that he did was move faster and add his fingers to my clit. I felt my orgasm building to a fever pitch. I was going to go off at any second, and I wanted him inside me when I did, but from the way things were going it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. Wrapping my hands in his hair, I pulled his head up, his mouth still glistening with my juices. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, especially when his tongue darted out to lick his lips and he groaned at the taste. “Fuck me, Kyle. Now.” It was an order. His eyes widened but he didn’t hesitate. His body moved up mine as if he were a snake in the grass stalking its prey. The whole thing made me giddy as his hands came around my thighs spreading them wide as he lined himself up with my entrance. The second he thrust inside, it was as if there were lights behind my eyes flashing.