Exposed Page 2
“We need to put some feelers out and get a fight lined up.” Not only was I itching to get back in the cage but we needed to show people that AMMA wasn’t going anywhere and we could contend with the UMA.
“I’ll put some feelers out and see what I can do. Max opened a new gym a few months back, maybe he has a fighter he can send,” he said thoughtfully. I’d heard that Mad Max had started coaching, and AMMA and our vision for it would be right up his alley. He believed you were only the best if you beat the best and that was the way AMMA should be—unlike the UMA who was concerned with bringing publicity and padding the coffers. That shit was whack.
“That’s a good idea. I have a feeling Max will like the new model.” I nodded thoughtfully in agreement.
I was sitting in my apartment on the couch nursing a beer later that night realizing I needed to get out and get laid. The only way I could get her off my mind was go out and fuck someone else.
“You wanna go out tonight?”
My friend Pete yelled over the music in the club. “I’m already down at Voodoo. Come by.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen.” I clicked off the phone and went to get ready. I had to do this so I didn’t fuck everything up with my career. No matter how much I wanted to know what Delia’s hot curvy body looked like under that pencil skirt and button-down shirt, I needed to rein it in, since my career wasn’t the only one on the line.
I made it to Voodoo in about twenty minutes, which was surprising given traffic on the strip. Pete was in the VIP section at the bar. “What are you doing here? You hardly ever drink,” he said, after I ordered a beer and took a seat on the barstool next to him.
“Delia Campbell is why I’m here,” I groaned. His eyebrows shot up.
“Isn’t that your new manager?” He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Did she tell you to go out more and be seen or something?”
“No. Have you ever seen her?” I asked sipping my beer.
“Nah, why? Is she hot?” He smirked when I glared at him. “She is.” He laughed, hard. “So what are you doing here?”
“Trying to get that hot-as-fuck body out of my head before I do something stupid and ruin everything before it even begins.”
“Good luck with that.” He chuckled clapping me on the shoulder.
“Oh my God.” I heard a high pitched squeal from behind us. “You’re Kyle Walker and Pete Jones.”
Pete turned on his charming I’m-gonna-get-laid smile as he held out his hand. “You obviously know our names but what are yours?” The bastard was smooth I had to give him that.
“I’m Megan and this is Melissa.” The girl was gushing as Pete took her hand and kissed the back of it and then reached over to her friend and did the same. “Would you like to join us? We have a booth in the back.”
“That sounds like a great idea.” He looked at me in question as he wrapped his arms around both women. I rolled my eyes as he winked at me before leading the girls to the back of the club.
We hadn’t been at the table for long when it occurred to me what the order of the night was going to be. Both girls were all over Pete. Even kissing each other once to try to entice him; it was doing nothing to take the edge off my frustration. A perfectly manicured hand trailed down my chest and I looked up behind me finding a sexy blond smiling, eyes shining with lust. Her dress was so short if she bent over I bet her lush ass would be visible. “You look bored. Come with me, I’ll liven your night up.”
She pulled me up from my seat. I smirked as I saluted Pete who was too busy with his hand up one of the girl’s dresses to pay attention. The girl let out a tiny moan and I shook my head following the blond to the bathrooms. She walked into on of the stalls and locked the door behind us before skimming her fingers down my chest to the zipper of my jeans. Her tongue darted out, licking her lips as she looked down at my cock. “Go on, suck it. You know you want to.” I grinned.
I never saw someone drop to their knees so fast, but as her hand pumped me up and down and her tongue swirled around the tip I found myself closing my eyes picturing Delia instead. My hips jerked forward and I imagined her dark blond hair and Caribbean blue eyes staring back at me as I fucked her mouth. Jesus fuck that was a sweet fucking fantasy. I grabbed her hair holding her in place as I slid my cock in and out of her mouth. She opened up her throat allowing me in deeper and I came on a roar. A second later there was an angry blond standing in front of me, and I looked at her in confusion. “Who the fuck is Delia? My name is Tracy, asshole.” She dug her heel into the toe of my shoe. Wincing in pain, I watched as she slammed the stall door behind her. Fuck me. I should have known that wouldn’t be enough to shove Delia out of my mind. All it did was make things worse, because now I really wanted to know if she lived up to that fantasy. Hell, she’d probably be better.
The order of the day: get Kyle Walker off my mind. Well that had literally been the order of the last week when I first met the too-hot-for-words AMMA fighter. It had not gone over well with his former manager to get his schedule, and I’d had to get a hold of Kyle’s phone to sync his calendar to mine. “Do you have a date for any of these events you’re scheduled to attend?”
“No, why? You volunteering?” He grinned that sexy grin of his. I just rolled my eyes.
“You have to have a date. And, before you say anything, I am not a viable option. We need to get you noticed, so you’ll have to take starlets, models, or singers,” I told him, yet vehemently hating the idea. He didn’t seem to care for the idea too much either.
“Do you know how vapid some of those women are?” he whined.
“Vapid or not, it’s for the good of everyone that we build some hype around you.” He shrugged his shoulders looking utterly defeated, but I plowed on. “It’s one night. I’m sure you can handle one night out with an actress or supermodel.”
He nodded solemnly and got up to leave. “Your date will be in the limo waiting for you at seven. Try to be on time.”
“You’re not going at all?”
I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised by his vehemence. “The dry cleaner is dropping off your suit in an hour and the limo will be there at seven. What do you need me for?”
“You know I’ve been known to say the wrong thing. What if I decide I don’t want to wear the monkey suit and go in jeans and a T-shirt?” There was a devilish gleam in his eyes.
“You wouldn’t.” But, oh I had a feeling he would.
He grinned. “No, I wouldn’t embarrass you like that.”
I wasn’t buying it for a second.
“This isn’t just about you, Kyle. It’s about me, and the gym, and AMMA. If you don’t put in the work, a lot of people could get hurt,” I reminded him.
He stared at me for a good five seconds before responding. “Don’t you think I know that? This is all on me. It’s unfair that everyone pinned their hopes on my ability to be seen—to get noticed and be the featured fighter in AMMA.” Pausing for a moment, he nearly floored me with his next words. “That there’s all this sexual tension between us but I can’t act on it because Darren’s afraid you won’t work with us if it all ends badly… or that I’ll quit so it won’t be awkward for you. But that is not an option. AMMA and the gym need us both.”
I could practically feel the frustration rolling off of him in waves as he pulled at the ends of his hair, stomping over to glare out the window in my office. His hair wasn’t overly long, enough for a handful—and damn if that thought didn’t have my body buzzing. My face flushed and I turned away, but not before he’d turned around and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll be there dressed appropriately.”
He left a few minutes later as I slumped in my chair forcing myself to think about the evening fundraiser to help underprivileged kids pay for sports. I had several clients that were going in addition to Kyle. Little did he know I’d be there; it was an obligation since my father was the president of the board. I hadn
’t told Kyle since I didn’t want him to keep nagging me to go with him—he’d find out soon enough.
I knocked on my friend, Brandy’s, door. She was my date for this thing every year, and I loved her for it. It was a win-win situation. I had a friend with me as backup and she got to meet all kinds of hot professional athletes.
“Damn, girl, you look hot,” she squealed. “That dress is amazing on you.”
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself. Ready to go?” I held my arm out and she looped hers in mine as we made our way to the elevator.
“Is Mr. Tie-me-up-throw-me-down going to be there tonight?” Brandy eyed me.
“Yes, with a date,” I answered probably a little too curtly.
“What? I was sure he would have asked you.” She looked angry on my behalf.
“He did. I turned him down.”
“Oh Dee, why? You seem to really like him. Well, I know why, but you can’t let one impulsive bad decision ruin everything for you.”
“I’m not,” I lied. “This is about my career.”
“Yeah, yeah, your career. I’m a sex therapist, honey, and I can see how wound-up you are about this guy.”
“Yeah a twenty-five-year-old sex therapist who hasn’t actually done the deed.” I giggled. I still never understood her. She was a walking contradiction.
“Shut up! You know I have my reasons.” She growled as I opened the door to the car and got in the back. “Sorry,” I said through my giggles. “I couldn’t help it.”
“Whatever, as I was saying, you need to either sleep with him or get him the hell out of your life. This amount of sexual frustration really isn’t healthy.”
We made our way out to the waiting Town Car. The driver hopped out to open the back door and help us in. The drive was quiet, giving me time to debate Brandy’s words, but I knew that I really couldn’t rely on someone who still held firmly to their V-card when it came to sex. I wondered if her clients would still come to her if they knew she hadn’t done the deed.
We pulled up to the red carpet and I shot Brandy a tight smile. “You ready to do this?” I asked nervously.
“Yup, it’s gonna be great.” Brandy shoved me so I’d get out. She was more excited than usual to go to one of these things.
“Let’s do this before I lose my nerve.” I took a cleansing breath then stepped out of the car. A couple more noticeable sports reporters yelled asking me questions about Kyle and why he fired his manager. I stopped next to Roxy Villa. “I have an exclusive for you. Sin City Gym has been banned from competing in the UMA for their part in the creation of AMMA. Check it out, I’m sure you’ll be able to find proof,” I whispered close to her ear before walking in the beautifully decorated building. Looking back I noticed a couple reporters were surrounding her trying to get her to tell them what I said. I giggled. Poor Roxy. But, I knew good and well she wouldn’t give up that story. Women in the sports world had to stick together.
As soon as I got in the limo the stick-thin brunette with huge fake boobs was rubbing herself on me like a cat in heat. This wasn’t looking promising to say the least. It felt like I had a leech hanging on for dear life and I was literally a second away from calling Delia and telling her I wasn’t coming. “Kyle, are you even listening?”
“Nope.” At least I was honest. I had no interest in a conversation. She glared at me huffing out a breath and crossing her arms over her chest, pushing the overly large and completely fake boobs up like they were an enticement... they weren’t.
After a few long minutes, the car pulled up in front of the red carpet. I blew out a relieved sigh and practically jumped out of it. I barely remembered to turn back to help the crazy bitch out of the car and walked with her arm wrapped in mine to the building. Reporters were screaming at both me and Bianca, but I ignored them pulling her along with me. “Kyle what is wrong with you?” she grumbled.
“Just trying to get inside.” And away from you, I thought but didn’t say out loud. That turned out to be harder than I thought. Her fake fingernails dug into my arm as I made my way around the room.
I spotted Delia’s long blonde hair cascading down her back; her bangs were clipped back in an emerald green barrette that matched the color of her dress that hugged her curves perfectly. I was instantly hard, and pissed. She said she wasn’t coming. Was she there with another guy? Was that why she was so adamant about nothing happening between us? I didn’t think so, though, since she was obviously as into it as I was. Beside, wouldn’t she have said that instead of telling me the bullshit about not fucking clients?
“People are really gonna have a hard time thinking you like me if you keep staring at her like that.”
I barely gave my date a sideways glance. “Why would I care if people think that? I don’t like you. Delia picked you for me to show up with. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to talk to someone.” I removed her claws from my arm as I made my way to Delia and the short brunette she was talking to. “I believe you owe me a dance.”
“What?” She turned looking at me with wide eyes. “Why would I owe you anything?”
“What did you do, pick the worst date for me you could possibly find?” The brunette standing next to her giggled into her champagne flute.
“Probably,” she snorted. Delia shot her a glare. “What? You probably did it subconsciously.”
My anger turned to a cocky grin. “You owe me a dance, gorgeous.”
“I do not,” she said stubbornly but I was already pulling her to the dance floor. “What are you doing?”
“Dancing with you. Is that a crime? Is it against your rules, or will your boyfriend be jealous?” I growled, pulling her in close.
“Boyfriend?” She laughed, which I had no clue why. “What makes you think I have a boyfriend?”
“You lied about coming out tonight?” Confusion laced my tone. “Why else would you lie, unless you were coming with someone else?”
“Because,” she audibly sighed, “I didn’t want you to keep pushing me into being your date.”
“You could have set me up with someone a little more likeable.” I shook my head in defeat. The girl was doing a spectacularly bad job of hiding her attraction to me if she set me up with a horribly vapid woman on purpose.
“Yeah, I could have.” She grinned. I placed my hands on her shapely hips and she begrudgingly placed hers on my shoulders still attempting to keep a safe distance between us. “What made you get into this business?” I asked wanting to know more about her.
“My dad. It was always just the two of us.” She shrugged. “Well, and the nanny. My dad was a professional football player back in the day.”
“Frank Campbell is your dad?” I asked in awe. She nodded her head shyly.
“I played football and baseball as soon as I could walk, but football was always my first love. It wasn’t until I hit high school that I realized I would never be a pro football player no matter how good I was. That’s when I decided if I couldn’t be an athlete, I would help them reach their dreams.”
Wow, I was at a loss for words. This girl was amazing.
“Delia,” a rough voice called from behind me. “Would you like to introduce me to your friend?”
“Hey, Daddy, he’s just a client of mine. This is Kyle Walker. He’s the top fighter in AMMA right now.” She beamed. I turned shocked eyes to see Frank Campbell looking at me with curiosity.
“Nice to meet you, Kyle. You’re in good hands with this one. She’s the best.” The man shook my hand.
“Yes, sir, she’s great.” I smiled wide. Her father looked like he wanted to say more, instead he nodded before walking away. “That was....”
“My dad.” She giggled. Wrapping her back up in my arms, I continued to dance with her.
“Is he why you’re here?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, he is the head of the board for the charity. I come every year and do my best t
o get my clients to help support it.” She blushed bright red.
“It’s great. It’s a great cause.” I turned her face back to meet mine. “You’re an amazing person.”
I had no idea what I said to spook her but she stepped back away from me looking uncomfortable.
“Thank you for the dance,” she said before scurrying away. Well shit that’s not how I saw that going.
“Your date is practically fucking some guy by the bathrooms,” Pete said. I hadn’t even noticed him walk up beside me.
“Good, maybe she’ll leave me the hell alone.” I didn’t even look at him, still entranced by Delia.
“Looks like the one you want isn’t giving you the time of day either.” He chuckled, and I shot him a glare.
“She will. Mark my words I’ll wear her down.” I grinned making my way to where she was standing chatting with the brunette again. “Ladies, can I get you a drink?”
“Kyle, you just don’t give up do you?” The brunette asked. “I like it. I’m Brandy.”
She stuck her hand out to me but her gaze was on Pete. “It’s nice to meet you, Brandy.” I shook her hand firmly. “This is my friend Pete.”
“Are you an AMMA fighter too?” she asked batting her eyelashes. Pete bowed in front of her with a flourish. “May I have this dance, M’lady?’ Brandy put her hand in his as he led her to the dance floor.
“Your friend stole my date.” Delia sipped her champagne while eyeing me.
“I never took you for a—” She cut me off.
“I’m not!” She broke out into a fit of giggles turning bright red. “Brandy is my neighbor and best friend. I’m gonna have to warn her about Pete though. She’s not like the girls I’ve seen him with in the rags.”
“Oh, definitely warn her. He’s a whore,” I agreed.
I don’t know if Brandy and Pete were trying to help me out or if there was general interest there, but they stayed on the dance floor most of the night. I was thankful because it gave me a chance to talk to Delia and get to know her a little better. Her defenses were down, and it was such a nice change from her controlled behavior most of the time.